Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Thing 5 Reflection

This is my second time around with CPD23, so you could say that the whole course is a reflective practise for me. I wanted to see how far I'd come in a year, what tools I use on a regular basis, as well as getting updated on new things. I agree that reflective practise should be cyclical, analytical and should feed into further development. I often learn more from the difficulties than those things that go smoothly, so those who read this and think the Librarians have an easy life...better think again! One issue that crops up is the ever changing tools, so that a tool like Evernote works one day, but not the next. Very frustrating, but I think it's them not me! What I am bad at is recording, so having this blog helps me enormously.  One thing I have found difficult following last year's course (which was truely enlightening,) is using that knowledge to persuade senior management that these tools need to be integrated across the entire organisation. Maybe CPD23 could do a 'Thing' on how to influence managers??? As to the 'Things' so far this year, I have managed to integrate a lot of them into my daily life except for Storify which isn't available in school because of restrictions on Java script and browsers. I can get this from home, but that means there is limited access for our students too. Yes I even sound like I know all the geek speak too!

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